Sunday, July 14, 2013

Roman kingdom

   Roman kingdom hunting tools

     Roman kingdom is the one of the powerful kingdom. The Romania love fighting and hunting so this period we will see the people are bloodthirsty, Colosseum is the one of example that show how the roman people bloodthirsty this colosseum use for entertain roman people. In the colosseum have many. Kind of fighting they took slaves from a many place or they use their prisoner in rome and training them to fighting in colosseum. Almost all of slave who lost a fight in colosseum are died ,it depend on people in the colosseum. Not only the slave fight each other but they have to fight with a lion and Romania solider.
     From that detail that i gave on the top we will see how the roman love fighting so they gave more detail in their weapons. The one of interesting weapons is knife. Roman's knife are  beautiful because every knife are decorate by format and every piece of knife are unique. Material that they use is steel. The design of Ronan's knife is various, it depend on owner because every design have a meaning that show the richness of owners and the knife that I choose is symmetry and balance. The unity of roman's knife that make know what is the Roman's knife that is the pattern that they put in their work because roman knife always decorate by the pattern.
     Now we can see how about the weapons of roman not only they love fighting but they they also love hunting. Dear is the one of animals that they hunt. In my opinion I think roman people are the mental illness because they love to see someone or something die though Romania women and kids love to see blood to.

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