Monday, July 22, 2013

Ancient Greek hunting tools

Ancient Greek hunting tools

The civilization of Greek was begin at 750bc they have a center city is Athens. They are one of the most civilization kingdom in waste of the world. In the Greek kingdom always have wars between state for example Sparta and Athens. Greek didn't have space for framing because the major of landscape in Greek is mountain but Greek have an ocean so the most of Greek people was a fisherman. The Ancient Greek called themselves "hellene" they are an Indo-euro that immigrant from north of Greek. Weapons of Greek is one of thing that be a factor to survive because they always of a war.
          The Ancient Greek weapons that I need to present is Kopis. Kopis is came from Greek language that mean cut, it design for cutting especially weight from the top of sword to the bottom. This sword is the original weapons of Ancient Greek. It use for the main weapons of Greek army, the first Kopis are big scale for handle with 2 hand after Greek developed the military, they reduce a scale of Kopis for handle with 1 hand to made Greek army comfortable to handle it. The unity of this sword is on the handle because the handle of Kopis is curve and design to fit with hands. The blade is also curve because they knew a curve of blade can make sword easy to use for cutting. Material that they use is metal.
           The ancient Greek is one of the interesting kingdom from the history that they have about their wars that made Greek was a civilization kingdom that have a developing about a military. The Ancient Greek story was a base of the many movies now. 

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