Tuesday, July 23, 2013


 Renaissance Hunting tools

        Renaissance period is about 14-15 century, This period have the most civilization, their art, luxury, and sex is the most. In the dark ages period is the worst time for art then the renaissance period art was a revival. Art not just restore but it grew up to the top, more luxury, realistic ,dynamic and more erotic so in this period we will saw nude painting, realistic sculpture and many art work that have more changing. The idea concept of the people in this period was changed, they gave a human was a center of everything. They compare a human with anything that they need to design and found the golden ratio, The perfect proportion. Not only renaissance be a golden period of art but it is a golden period of architecture to. Although they have a developing int their art and architecture but they weapons is the one thing that every kingdom must have so let see how the weapon in this period was.
         Renaissance period have the most prosperous in art so almost all of the renaissance have a decorated.
The Renaissance sword is good example to see how they decorate their weapons, At the handle of sword was decorated by a pattern and they not just only decorate it for the beautiful but they design a handle protection between handle and blade. Material that they use is metal and some of their sword was decorate by jewel to show the luxury. Size of this sword was compare with the proportion of human so renaissance sword size is suitable for using.
          This period will show us the difference between a period before. In my opinion the renaissance period could made an effect with a period after the renaissance period because they show me what is the beginning of the innovation in the present time.


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