Tuesday, July 9, 2013


         Prehistoric hunting tools 

        When we talk about what happened before history many people will think about how we living in the world so one of factor that make human survive until today is hunting. Human learn how live with cruel environment because in pre-historic period everything around you are dangerous so hunter always superior than prey. From that reason the first thing that be necessary is Hunting tools.
         The hunting tools in the pre-historic period are so simple the basic material that they use in the hunting tools is wood , stone and rope because this materials are easy to find in the natural and this material easy to adapt for many thing for example axe ,spear ,hummer etc. The shape of hunting tools in that period they do not care about beautiful so they just made it can useful likes a spear they made it sharp on the top by sharpening the stone and fix it with a long wood that made spear easy to throw and last example a hummer they just made a stone have weight appropriately for holding in the hand of them but the scale of tools in that period are bigger than now because the human in past are working hard so that me made they they stronger than people in present. The scale of tools in that period depend on a size of human each person so they have a hunting tools in your own.
           From this ,you will see the hunting tool in the past just made for their can be survive so they do not care about how it look like and they don't have more choices about material because they didn't know how to use or make a new material from a resource that they have.

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