Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Modern hunting tools

                      The modern period is the period that is the latest until now. This period has more treading more than the industrial revolution period.  The modern period began approximately in the 16th century. many people's sense of self and purpose was often expressed via a faith in some form of deity, be that in a single god or in many gods. With the new technology in this period that made more improved than the other period.
                 Rifle is the popular hunting tools in this period because it can be shooting from a long range. This rifle can made more damage than hand gun in the industrial revolution period, just only shoot from the rifle can kill a big animals or human. This rifle have Amani material is metal and some part is a wood, at scope have a special glass or we can call lane that use for zooming in and out for the shooting in long range. The proportion of the rifle is bigger than hand gun, it must use two hands to holding and shoot it. 
                  When the time past human has learn everything in the past to make a progress in facility for the future, that is how we can survive in the world until now.  

Industrial revolution

Industrial revolution hunting tools

          From many period past human was developed their culture and facility until the industrial revolution period we could see the development of many thing so clearly. The industrial revolution period is the beginning of industry. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to some time between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power and the development of machine tools. It also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal.
So weapons in this period have more performance than the period past.
          Hand gun is one of dangerous weapons in this period,  bullet form hand gun can made more damaged than arrow from the past. Not only it is the one of powerful weapons in that time but it also easy to carry it because the hand gun size is small. Material that they use with it, main is iron and handle is wood, bullet is made from a lead. Hand gun is popular, almost all of people in this period must have at home to protect them from an invader. 
          The Industrial revolution period the world has more changed or we could say this period has the most changing. They learn from some advantage and some disadvantage in the past to use it be a lesson that can be use for developing of the world 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


 Renaissance Hunting tools

        Renaissance period is about 14-15 century, This period have the most civilization, their art, luxury, and sex is the most. In the dark ages period is the worst time for art then the renaissance period art was a revival. Art not just restore but it grew up to the top, more luxury, realistic ,dynamic and more erotic so in this period we will saw nude painting, realistic sculpture and many art work that have more changing. The idea concept of the people in this period was changed, they gave a human was a center of everything. They compare a human with anything that they need to design and found the golden ratio, The perfect proportion. Not only renaissance be a golden period of art but it is a golden period of architecture to. Although they have a developing int their art and architecture but they weapons is the one thing that every kingdom must have so let see how the weapon in this period was.
         Renaissance period have the most prosperous in art so almost all of the renaissance have a decorated.
The Renaissance sword is good example to see how they decorate their weapons, At the handle of sword was decorated by a pattern and they not just only decorate it for the beautiful but they design a handle protection between handle and blade. Material that they use is metal and some of their sword was decorate by jewel to show the luxury. Size of this sword was compare with the proportion of human so renaissance sword size is suitable for using.
          This period will show us the difference between a period before. In my opinion the renaissance period could made an effect with a period after the renaissance period because they show me what is the beginning of the innovation in the present time.



Baroque Hunting tools

        Baroque is a period is the one of period that see how important about realistic dynamic and use more logic so Art in this period is will give a detail about real. In this period have a colonization to find material and resource for an industry. Baroque period in the beginning of many things and many things have a changing. Many of Philosopher have born in this period for example Galileo the man who create a logic about Universe, Protagoras that create a rule of mathematics, Izax newton the man who found a gravity all of that make more progress in their kingdom and make a changed to the world. So about the weapons that they create in that period. They have a more knowledge to design a weapons of them.
       Although Baroque weapons are not famous  in that time but it is the one of factor that is important for them because in that period have a colonization so have fight to get they propose. Weapons that I need to present is sword, it is a simple weapons but it also was a weapons that every solider must carry it all time to prepare with a bad situation. Baroque sword has a simple design, it's Balance and also symmetry. Material that they use is steel because a scientist believe steel is strongest. Size of Baroque sword is big and long.
        From the all of this, weapon in this period is not outstanding same their art because they don't have to fight much than other period, they have more civilization, we will see it from their building and art work. that they show how the knowledge that they have in this period.         


Monday, July 22, 2013


Medieval hunting tools

         Medieval period, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the western roman empire and merged into the early modern period. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the traditional division of Western history into Antiquity, Medieval, and Modern periods. The medieval period is divide be a Golden Ages and Dark Age, Golden Ages we knew as the high Middle Ages this period is the good time for artist and people in this period, Dark ages is good period for king and military but not with people and artist. This period is the beginning of the word "knight" ,we well know as a knight have a armor and biggest sword so the weapons of knight is one of interesting weapons in the medieval period.
      The sword in medieval period is various in designing. Although they have various design but they have an identity that make we knew it's sword in the medieval period because they always make it balance and symmetry. The sword that I would like to present is Arming sword, it was the standard military sword of the European knight. The term came into use to differentiate the standard single handed sword from other recently developed types such as the war sword. It's so called because it was worn with armor. The material that they use for the Arming sword is a metal, it is a simple material because it's one of strongest material.
         From all of detail about the medieval period we will see how the medieval period are interesting period. In my opinion I think armor and sword of the knight is very interesting, because it beautiful and have charming.

Ancient Greek hunting tools

Ancient Greek hunting tools

The civilization of Greek was begin at 750bc they have a center city is Athens. They are one of the most civilization kingdom in waste of the world. In the Greek kingdom always have wars between state for example Sparta and Athens. Greek didn't have space for framing because the major of landscape in Greek is mountain but Greek have an ocean so the most of Greek people was a fisherman. The Ancient Greek called themselves "hellene" they are an Indo-euro that immigrant from north of Greek. Weapons of Greek is one of thing that be a factor to survive because they always of a war.
          The Ancient Greek weapons that I need to present is Kopis. Kopis is came from Greek language that mean cut, it design for cutting especially weight from the top of sword to the bottom. This sword is the original weapons of Ancient Greek. It use for the main weapons of Greek army, the first Kopis are big scale for handle with 2 hand after Greek developed the military, they reduce a scale of Kopis for handle with 1 hand to made Greek army comfortable to handle it. The unity of this sword is on the handle because the handle of Kopis is curve and design to fit with hands. The blade is also curve because they knew a curve of blade can make sword easy to use for cutting. Material that they use is metal.
           The ancient Greek is one of the interesting kingdom from the history that they have about their wars that made Greek was a civilization kingdom that have a developing about a military. The Ancient Greek story was a base of the many movies now. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Roman kingdom

   Roman kingdom hunting tools

     Roman kingdom is the one of the powerful kingdom. The Romania love fighting and hunting so this period we will see the people are bloodthirsty, Colosseum is the one of example that show how the roman people bloodthirsty this colosseum use for entertain roman people. In the colosseum have many. Kind of fighting they took slaves from a many place or they use their prisoner in rome and training them to fighting in colosseum. Almost all of slave who lost a fight in colosseum are died ,it depend on people in the colosseum. Not only the slave fight each other but they have to fight with a lion and Romania solider.
     From that detail that i gave on the top we will see how the roman love fighting so they gave more detail in their weapons. The one of interesting weapons is knife. Roman's knife are  beautiful because every knife are decorate by format and every piece of knife are unique. Material that they use is steel. The design of Ronan's knife is various, it depend on owner because every design have a meaning that show the richness of owners and the knife that I choose is symmetry and balance. The unity of roman's knife that make know what is the Roman's knife that is the pattern that they put in their work because roman knife always decorate by the pattern.
     Now we can see how about the weapons of roman not only they love fighting but they they also love hunting. Dear is the one of animals that they hunt. In my opinion I think roman people are the mental illness because they love to see someone or something die though Romania women and kids love to see blood to.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


         Prehistoric hunting tools 

        When we talk about what happened before history many people will think about how we living in the world so one of factor that make human survive until today is hunting. Human learn how live with cruel environment because in pre-historic period everything around you are dangerous so hunter always superior than prey. From that reason the first thing that be necessary is Hunting tools.
         The hunting tools in the pre-historic period are so simple the basic material that they use in the hunting tools is wood , stone and rope because this materials are easy to find in the natural and this material easy to adapt for many thing for example axe ,spear ,hummer etc. The shape of hunting tools in that period they do not care about beautiful so they just made it can useful likes a spear they made it sharp on the top by sharpening the stone and fix it with a long wood that made spear easy to throw and last example a hummer they just made a stone have weight appropriately for holding in the hand of them but the scale of tools in that period are bigger than now because the human in past are working hard so that me made they they stronger than people in present. The scale of tools in that period depend on a size of human each person so they have a hunting tools in your own.
           From this ,you will see the hunting tool in the past just made for their can be survive so they do not care about how it look like and they don't have more choices about material because they didn't know how to use or make a new material from a resource that they have.


             Egyptian hunting tools

          In the ancient Egypt period human learn to treading and have a developing to civilization so they do not have to hunting. They believe god and believe in afterlife. They have a Faroh for the Egyptian Faroh is a god so they must protect and obey the Faroh. They produce weapon more than hunting tools.
        The Egyptian learn to use metal so the main material in the ancient Egypt is metal. They produce a weapon by using a metal that made it stronger than using a wood and stone. In this period the not only just made it can be useful but they have decorated their weapon and the visual and design that they decorated their weapons is about a god so you will see in this period the weapon is emphasize in beautiful more than the period before. The Egyptian weapon have an identity in itself because they have a design and decorate their weapons so it have a harmony.
           From this, you will see an Egyptian is early race that use the decorating in their weapons and tools because they got an influence from the believe about the god and afterlife.



 Mesopotamia hunting tools

       Mesopotamia have a meaning is space between a rivers because the landscape of Mesopotamia are cover by two rivers that important with the living of Mesopotamia people, they learn to use benefits from a two rivers in framing that made Mesopotamia have civilization same the Egyptian but not at all because the major of space in Mesopotamia are desert and they have many tribes so some of tribes that didn't have a resource enough go hunting territory. Akkadians is the one of tribes that strongest in Mesopotamia period they defeated many cities with they weapons and military so the weapons of Akkadian interesting tools in Mesopotamia period.
       The main propose of the Akkadian weapons is killing they made their weapons look simple but it dangerous because Akkadian military have a good training to kill so they are powerful. Material that they use for example their sword, they use metal almost all of swords that made Akkadian's sword have a weight so they must strong to hold their swords. The Akkadian's sword is different from a sword of the another tribes in same period because they made their sword have balance. 
           You will see why an Akkadian are the one of powerful tribes in Mesopotamia period not only at they tool but also the political of Akkadian is one of the interesting thing in Mesopotamia period.